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Dental Implant Crown

The full coverage of a dental implant crown restores shape, size, and strength while improving the appearance of the tooth. Preserving and restoring patients’ teeth is a vital part of our practice. We understand that unforeseen tooth damage or decay can occur over time or at a moment’s notice. We provide advanced, quality procedures to best care for a patient’s damaged or decayed tooth. We desire to restore patients’ teeth with a natural look and feel leaving them with a radiant and confident smile.

Am I A Good Candidate For A Dental Implant Crown?

To best protect a patient’s damaged or decayed tooth, a dental crown is needed. Patients who are best candidates for a crown are those who are experiencing a weak or cracked tooth; a broken or severely worn-down tooth; or need additional coverage after a large filling. The crown is a tooth-like cover made from various materials that envelopes the whole tooth above the gum line. The full coverage of the crown restores shape, size, and strength while improving the appearance of the tooth. Overall, dental crowns are a prestigious option for repairing severely damaged teeth in addition to helping dental bridges remain in place.

Crowns and Bridges Vista, Los Angeles

Types on Crowns

Based on the condition of your teeth, we offer a variety of different dental crowns made of Zirconia, Emax, or full porcelain.

Prior to treatment, our dentist will explain to you why she chose the type of material she selected for your tooth. Some crowns can be bonded to your tooth for more protection. Each type has its benefits, and we offer these options based on your tooth’s condition (providing your tooth with more longevity).

At Pasha Dental Group we specialize in General, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Los Angeles (near Mar Vista). Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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