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Signs You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wondering what are the signs you need wisdom teeth removal? According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), about 85% of people will need to have their wisdom teeth removed at some point in their life. They also report that about 90% of lower wisdom teeth will eventually need to be removed, while about 60% of upper wisdom teeth will need to be removed.

Top Signs You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

  1. Impacted wisdom teeth: This occurs when the tooth is unable to emerge fully through the gum line and can cause pain, swelling, infection, and damage to surrounding teeth.
  2. Crowding: Wisdom teeth can push against other teeth, causing them to shift and become misaligned.
  3. Decay: Wisdom teeth are located at the back of the mouth, making them difficult to clean and more prone to decay.
  4. Gum disease: Wisdom teeth can be difficult to clean properly, making them more susceptible to gum disease.

The signs you need wisdom teeth removed can vary depending on the individual’s situation. If left untreated, impacted wisdom teeth can cause severe pain, infection, and damage to surrounding teeth. Additionally, wisdom teeth can contribute to the development of gum disease and decay, leading to more serious oral health issues. In rare cases, an impacted wisdom tooth can even lead to the formation of cysts or tumors. Consult with Pasha Dental to determine if you need wisdom teeth removal. Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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Important Spring Dental Treatment

This 2023, the most important spring dental treatment for anyone is professional teeth cleaning and oral exam. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Dental Hygiene found that individuals who received regular teeth cleaning had a 33% lower risk of heart disease compared to those who did not receive regular cleanings. There are several other important dental treatments for spring oral health.

Important Dental Treatments For Spring Oral Health

  1. Teeth whitening: With spring comes more sunshine and brighter days, making it a popular time for teeth whitening treatments.
  2. Orthodontic treatments: Many people choose springtime to start orthodontic treatment such as braces or clear aligners, as the process can take several months or even years.
  3. Dental implants: If you have missing or damaged teeth, dental implants may be a great option to restore your smile. Spring is a popular time to get dental implants as it can take several months for the implant to fully integrate with your jawbone.
  4. Gum disease treatment: Gum disease can cause serious damage to your teeth and gums if left untreated. Spring is a good time to get gum disease treatment to prevent further damage and protect your oral health.

At Pasha Dental Group we specialize in General, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Los Angeles (near Mar Vista). Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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Dental Crown Options

There are three primary materials available when it comes to dental crown options. Each type has its benefits and is offered based on the condition of the patient’s tooth.

What are my dental crown options?

Zirconia, eMax, and full porcelain are three different materials that can be used to make dental crowns.

Before dental crown treatment, our dentist will explain to you why she chose the type of material she selected for your tooth. Some crowns can be bonded to your tooth for more protection.

Zirconia, eMax, and full porcelain are three different materials that can be used to make dental crowns. Here are some of the main differences between these materials:

  1. Zirconia: Zirconia is a type of ceramic that is known for its strength and durability. It is a popular material for dental crowns because it is very strong, biocompatible, and can be made to look like a natural tooth. Zirconia crowns are often used for back teeth that require a lot of strength and durability.
  2. Emax: Emax (or lithium disilicate) is a type of glass ceramic that is known for its high translucency and natural-looking appearance. Emax crowns are often used for front teeth because they are very aesthetically pleasing and can be made to match the color and shade of the surrounding teeth.
  3. Full porcelain: Full porcelain crowns are made entirely of porcelain, which gives them a very natural-looking appearance. They are also biocompatible and do not contain any metal, making them a good option for patients with metal allergies. However, porcelain is not as strong as zirconia, so full porcelain crowns are generally not used for back teeth that require a lot of strength and durability.

In summary, zirconia is the strongest and most durable material for dental crowns, eMax is a highly aesthetic option that is often used for front teeth, and full porcelain is a good option for patients with metal allergies but is generally not as strong as zirconia. The choice of material will depend on the patient’s specific needs and preferences, as well as the location of the tooth being crowned.

Schedule A Consultation

At Pasha Dental Group we specialize in General, Cosmetic, and Family Dentistry in Los Angeles (near Mar Vista). Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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Signs You Need A Single Tooth Implant

Aside from missing a tooth or looking to improve your smile aesthetic, here are some signs that you may need a single-tooth implant. With single tooth implants, patients can replace their tooth with a secure and natural-looking alternative. Not only will a single tooth implant restore the appearance of your smile but also enhance your oral health.


Signs You Need A Single Tooth Implant

Your adjacent teeth are shifting.

When you lose a tooth, adjacent teeth may begin to shift and cause misalignment. A dental implant can prevent this from happening by filling the gap and maintaining the alignment of your teeth.

You experience difficulty eating or speaking.

If you have difficulty eating or speaking due to a missing tooth, a dental implant can help restore your ability to perform these activities comfortably and effectively.

You have jawbone deterioration.

When a tooth is missing, the jawbone can begin to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. A dental implant can help prevent this by providing the necessary stimulation to maintain bone density and prevent bone loss.

If you’re experiencing health issues of feeling self-conscious about a missing tooth, a dental implant can help restore your oral health and confidence. To find out if a single tooth implant is the best solution for you, contact your dentist in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills to schedule your consultation.

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Signs You Need A Root Canal

If you’re experiencing swelling in your face or neck, a hole in your tooth, tooth pain, gum swelling, or temperature sensitivity, these may be signs that you need a root canal. A root canal is the removal of the infected pulp (soft interior of the tooth) from the interior of a patient’s tooth to prevent more severe issues in the future. Once the infected pulp is removed, the canal and pulp chamber of the tooth are flushed clean. In some cases, the canal may need to be reshaped for later filling.

Why Is A Root Canal Necessary To Restore Oral Health?

A root canal is necessary to restore oral health when a patient is experiencing severe tooth pain or infection and does not require tooth removal. The process generally requires one or more visits to remove the infection and restore the patient’s tooth properly. If multiple visits are needed to remove the disease, a temporary crown is placed on the tooth until the procedure is complete. Once the root canal is clean and dry, the area is filled, and a permanent crown is placed on the tooth to protect the canal from saliva. After the procedure, it is recommended to properly brush and floss daily to maintain the results of the procedure and oral health. In the end, the process allows patients to get back to living their lives to the fullest.

Suffering From Tooth Pain? Do You Need A Root Canal?

Let our highly qualified staff assist you in determining the reason for your tooth pain and get the recovery process started. Call our Los Angeles office to schedule your consultation to find out if a root canal is the best option for eliminating your tooth pain and getting back to living.

At Pasha Dental Group we specialize in General, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Los Angeles (near Mar Vista). Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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Small Teeth Replacement

If you’re looking at small teeth replacement to improve your oral health and aesthetic appearance, then mini dental implants may be the solution for you. Mini dental implants are small implants that don’t need to be completely embedded in your jawbone.


Why Mini Implants For Small Teeth Replacement?

Mini implants are an excellent option for providing a more secure tooth replacement and functionality. Patients often find that it is easier to speak, eat, and be confident in social situations with their new appliance. Additionally, the mini implant procedure is less invasive than traditional implants with no surgery necessary. The unique design of a mini implant differs from a conventional implant. Mini implants are one complete piece that screws into the jawbone. With a diameter of less than 3mm, the appliance has a ball-shaped extension that helps support the dentures.

When Should You Consult with Your Dentist?

If you think mini implants may be the right solution for your dental needs, please contact our dental team in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills to schedule your consultation. Our experienced implant dentist will help you determine if this solution is best to restore your smile and improve your overall well-being.

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