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Tooth Loss Causes and Treatments

In this post, we explore tooth loss causes and treatments. Whether caused by untreated tooth decay, gum disease, or dental trauma, losing a tooth can have significant implications for oral health and overall well-being. To put things into perspective, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry found that 3 million adults in the US had dental implants, and about 500,000 get an implant each year. In 2020, about 40.99 million adults had either partial or full dentures due to several missing teeth.

Top 3 Tooth Loss Causes

  1. Untreated Tooth Decay: Untreated tooth decay is one of the primary causes of tooth loss. When cavities are left untreated, they can progress and lead to infections, abscesses, and eventually tooth loss.
  2. Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease): Gum disease is a progressive condition that affects the tissues surrounding the teeth. If left untreated, it can cause gum recession, bone loss, and tooth mobility, ultimately resulting in tooth loss.
  3. Dental Trauma: Dental trauma, such as accidents, sports injuries, or falls, can cause significant damage to teeth. Severe trauma may lead to irreparable fractures or avulsion (complete dislodgment) of the tooth, necessitating tooth extraction.

Best Options for Tooth Loss Dental Treatment:

There are several dental treatment options available to address tooth loss, depending on the severity of the case and the patient’s specific needs:

  1. Dental Implants: Dental implants are considered the gold standard for tooth replacement. They are titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. Once the implant integrates with the bone (osseointegration), a lifelike dental crown is placed on top, creating a permanent and durable solution that closely resembles a natural tooth.
  2. Dental Bridges: Dental bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of prosthetic teeth (pontics) held in place by dental crowns on adjacent healthy teeth. Bridges are a non-removable option that restores the appearance and function of missing teeth.
  3. Dentures: Dentures are removable dental appliances used to replace multiple missing teeth. They come in various types, including partial dentures (for replacing some missing teeth) and complete dentures (for replacing all teeth in an arch). While dentures are a more affordable option, they may require periodic adjustments and can have certain limitations in terms of stability and function compared to dental implants.
  4. Implant-Supported Dentures: Combining the benefits of dental implants and dentures, implant-supported dentures provide enhanced stability and comfort. They are secured to dental implants, preventing slippage or movement while eating or speaking.
  5. All-on-4 or All-on-6 Implant Restorations: These are advanced implant-supported options for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth. They involve the strategic placement of four or six dental implants in each arch to support a fixed dental bridge or full set of dentures.
  6. Resin-Bonded Bridges: Also known as Maryland bridges, these are conservative options for replacing missing front teeth. They involve bonding a porcelain or metal framework to the adjacent teeth with minimal preparation.

Contact Pasha Dental Group today for a consultation. Early intervention and proper dental care is always the preferred method of preventing tooth loss. As a dental practice that honors the Biomimetic Approach, we do our best to prescribe treatments that maintain your natural teeth. However, in cases where tooth loss occurs, these dental treatment options we provide are effective solutions for restoring function, aesthetics, and confidence in one’s smile.

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Benefits Of Implant Supported Dentures

In modern dentistry, the benefits of implant-supported dentures have grown to provide patients with enhanced comfort, stability, and confidence in their smiles. Unlike traditional dentures, which may shift and cause discomfort, implant-supported dentures are firmly anchored to dental implants, providing a permanent and reliable dental restoration option.

1. Rising Popularity

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, over 36 million Americans are edentulous (lacking all their teeth), and this number is projected to increase in the coming years. With the increasing demand for durable and lifelike tooth replacement options, implant-supported dentures have witnessed a significant surge in popularity.

2. Enhanced Quality of Life

Studies conducted by the Journal of Oral Implantology have shown that patients who have opted for implant-supported dentures experience a remarkable improvement in their overall quality of life. These dentures offer improved chewing efficiency, enhanced speech, and a heightened sense of comfort and stability, resulting in a boost in self-esteem and confidence.

3. Superior Longevity

The success rate of dental implants used to support dentures is notably high, with an impressive 95-98% success rate, as reported by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. With proper care and maintenance, implant-supported dentures can last for decades, making them a cost-effective and durable long-term solution.

4. Preserving Bone Health

Implant-supported dentures help preserve jawbone health by stimulating bone growth and preventing bone resorption, a common issue with traditional dentures. This proactive approach to maintaining bone health ensures a natural facial structure and reduces the risk of oral health complications.

5. Increased Chewing Efficiency

The Journal of Dentistry reported that implant-supported dentures significantly improve chewing efficiency compared to traditional dentures. Patients can enjoy a varied diet, including crunchy and tough foods, without the fear of denture slippage or discomfort.

6. Enhanced Speech

For many denture wearers, speech impediments can be a common concern. Implant-supported dentures provide stable support, reducing the likelihood of slippage or clicking noises while speaking. This leads to clearer and more confident speech for patients.

7. High Patient Satisfaction

Multiple studies have demonstrated high levels of patient satisfaction with implant-supported dentures. According to the International Journal of Dentistry, patients often report increased satisfaction with the stability, comfort, and aesthetics of their implant-supported dentures compared to conventional options.

Conclusion: Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures

The benefits of implant-supported dentures provide qualified patients with a reliable and life-changing solution for permanent tooth replacement. From enhancing chewing efficiency to preserving bone health, the statistics highlight the numerous benefits of this remarkable dental restoration.

Contact Pasha Dental Group today to schedule a consultation. Take the first step towards a new and improved dental experience.

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Preserving Oral Health With Mouth Guards

In addition to daily teeth cleaning and routine checkups, there are some cases where preserving oral health with mouth guards can make all the difference. For some, the use of protective sports guards guarantees they can enjoy their favorite pass times while not jeopardizing their work life. While others find the use of night guards beneficial to protect their teeth from nightly grinding and preserve their teeth’s natural look and health.

Other Signs To Preserve Oral Health With Mouth Guards

Teeth Grinding or Clenching (Bruxism): If you frequently grind or clench your teeth, especially during sleep, you may require a mouth guard. Common signs of bruxism include flattened, worn-down, or chipped teeth, jaw soreness, headaches, and muscle tension around the jaw.

Jaw Pain or Tension: Chronic jaw pain, jaw joint (temporomandibular joint) discomfort, or tension in the jaw muscles can be indications of a condition called temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). A dental mouth guard can help alleviate these symptoms by providing cushioning and preventing excessive jaw movement.

Sports or Recreational Activities: If you or your child participate in contact sports or high-impact recreational activities such as football, hockey, boxing, or skateboarding, wearing a mouth guard is essential. It helps protect your teeth and jaw from potential injuries caused by impacts or falls.

Teeth Sensitivity: Teeth sensitivity can occur due to enamel wear caused by teeth grinding or clenching. If you notice increased tooth sensitivity to temperature changes, acidic foods, or pressure, a mouth guard can help protect your teeth and alleviate sensitivity symptoms.

TMJ Disorders: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can manifest as jaw clicking or popping, limited jaw movement, or difficulty opening or closing your mouth. A dental mouth guard can provide support and help alleviate the symptoms associated with TMJ disorders.

Sleep Disorders: If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, snore loudly, or experience sleep disturbances, a dentist may recommend a specific type of mouth guard called a mandibular advancement device (MAD). This device helps position the jaw and tongue to maintain an open airway during sleep.

Orthodontic Treatment: If you wear braces or have recently undergone orthodontic treatment, a mouth guard can protect your teeth from injuries during physical activities and minimize the risk of damage to your braces or appliances.

At Pasha Dental Group we specialize in General, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Los Angeles (near Mar Vista). Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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Healing Process For Wisdom Teeth Removal

The healing process for wisdom teeth removal varies based on the number of teeth being removed, as well as the patient’s individual healing ability. Since Pasha Dental uses the Biomimetic Approach, our dentists only recommend extraction procedures when absolutely necessary.

Indications for Wisdom Teeth Removal

The process typically begins with a consultation appointment. The dentist or oral surgeon will examine your mouth, take X-rays, and assess the position and condition of your wisdom teeth. This initial evaluation helps determine the best approach for removal and any additional preparations needed. Below are the most common reasons wisdom teeth removal might be required.

Incorrect Wisdom Teeth Growth

When wisdom teeth grow correctly, they greatly aid in chewing. However, if they grow incorrectly, it can lead to a variety of oral complications for dental patients.

Trapped Food

Wisdom teeth that grow incorrectly can cause food to become trapped below the gum line and cause bacteria to grow.

Trouble Flossing

Improperly placed wisdom teeth can make it difficult to floss between molars allowing tarter to build up and plaque to form.

Possible Infection

Partially grown wisdom teeth can create the perfect place for bacteria to form under the gumline and cause infection. There are other adverse effects of incorrect growth of wisdom teeth, but all of the side effects can be prevented through wisdom teeth removal.

Timeline for Wisdom Teeth Removal Healing Process

After the wisdom teeth removal, you will be given post-operative instructions to follow. This may include using cold packs to reduce swelling, taking prescribed pain medications or over-the-counter pain relievers, eating soft foods, avoiding certain activities that could dislodge blood clots, and practicing proper oral hygiene. It’s important to note that everyone’s healing process is unique, and individual recovery times may vary. Generally, the initial healing period takes about 1-2 weeks, during which swelling and discomfort should gradually decrease. However, complete healing of the extraction sites may take several weeks or even a few months.

At Pasha Dental Group we specialize in General, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Los Angeles (near Mar Vista). Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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How To Choose A Family Dentist

When you’re managing multiple ages in your household and looking for health resources for everyone at home, you’ll eventually need to decide how to choose a family dentist. Here are some things to consider in order to make the best choice.

  1. Qualifications and Credentials: Ensure that the dentist has the necessary qualifications, licenses, and credentials to practice dentistry. Look for a dentist who has completed dental school and is a member of reputable dental associations or organizations.
  2. Experience and Expertise: Consider the dentist’s experience in providing dental care, particularly for families and individuals of different age groups. Ask about their expertise in handling pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, or any specific dental services you may require.
  3. Range of Services: Check the range of services offered by the dentist. A family dentist should be able to provide comprehensive dental care for all family members, including routine check-ups, cleanings, preventive care, restorative treatments, and cosmetic procedures. Having a dentist who can address a wide range of dental needs can be convenient for scheduling appointments and managing your family’s oral health.
  4. Reputation and Reviews: Research the dentist’s reputation within the community. Read online reviews and testimonials from current or previous patients to gain insights into their experiences. Ask friends, family, or neighbors for recommendations based on their own positive experiences with family dentists.
  5. Communication and Patient Comfort: A good family dentist should have excellent communication skills, be able to explain treatments and procedures clearly, and address any concerns or questions you may have. Look for a dentist who makes you and your family feel comfortable and at ease during dental visits, particularly if you have young children or individuals with dental anxiety in your family.
  6. Initial Consultation: Schedule an initial consultation or meet-and-greet appointment with the dentist to get a better sense of their practice, approach to dental care, and how they interact with patients. This will allow you to assess if they are a good fit for your family’s needs.

Finding the right family dentist is a personal decision, and it’s important to choose someone who meets your family’s unique dental needs and preferences. Taking the time to research and select a reputable and caring family dentist can contribute to your family’s long-term oral health and overall satisfaction with dental care. At Pasha Dental Group we specialize in General, Cosmetic, and Family Dentistry in Los Angeles (near Mar Vista). Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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Benefits of Biomimetic Approach

The key benefits of the Biomimetic Approach include preservation, longevity, and durability. Here at Pasha Dental, we embrace the Biomimetic Approach with its aim to conserve as much healthy tooth structure as possible while restoring and preserving the natural function and aesthetics of the tooth. Our dentistry is committed to avoiding unnecessary procedures. Dr.Pasha believes: “Less is More” when it comes to treating teeth.

cosmetic dentistry

Benefits of the Biomimetic Approach

Tooth Preservation

One of the primary advantages of the Biomimetic Approach is the preservation of healthy tooth structure. Instead of removing excessive healthy tooth structure, as traditional restorative methods often require, biomimetic dentistry focuses on removing only the damaged or decayed parts of the tooth. This conservative approach helps to maintain the natural strength and integrity of the tooth.

Longevity and Durability

Biomimetic restorations, when properly placed and maintained, can have excellent longevity and durability. By preserving more natural tooth structure and using advanced materials and techniques, biomimetic restorations can withstand the forces of biting and chewing and have a reduced risk of failure or fracture.

Experience the benefits of the Biomimetic Approach firsthand by scheduling a consultation with us. At Pasha Dental Group we specialize in General, Cosmetic, and Family Dentistry in Los Angeles (near Mar Vista). Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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