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Restore Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

If your smile isn’t where you’d like it to be due to missing teeth, you may have the option to restore missing teeth with dental implants. Missing teeth can significantly affect a patient’s self-confidence and lifestyle. We know the difference a bright and natural-looking smile can towards enhancing a patient’s life. We offer dental implants for patients who desire to restore their smiles without dentures or bridges. The advancement of dental implants gives patients the opportunity to get back to living life with confidence and shine.

Single Tooth Dental Implant

Qualified Dental Implant Patients

To determine if you are a qualified candidate for dental implants, your dentist or oral surgeon will assess your oral health, overall health, and specific dental needs. Here are some general qualifications for dental implants:

  1. Good Oral Health: You should have good oral health, including healthy gums and sufficient bone density in the jaw to support the implant. If you have gum disease or insufficient bone, these issues may need to be addressed before implant placement through procedures like bone grafting or periodontal treatment.
  2. Overall Health: Your overall health is also an important factor. Certain medical conditions, like uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune disorders, can affect the healing process after implant surgery. You should discuss your medical history with your dental implant specialist.
  3. Non-Smoker or Willing to Quit: Smoking can negatively impact the success of dental implants. Most dental professionals recommend quitting smoking or using tobacco products before undergoing implant surgery.
  4. Commitment to Oral Hygiene: Dental implants require diligent oral hygiene care to ensure their longevity. You should be committed to maintaining good oral hygiene and attending regular dental checkups and cleanings.
  5. Realistic Expectations: It’s essential to have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of dental implants. While they can provide a natural and long-lasting solution for missing teeth, they may not be suitable for everyone, and there are potential risks and complications.

Options for dental implants:

  1. Single Tooth Implants: These are used to replace a single missing tooth. A titanium implant post is surgically placed into the jawbone, and a dental crown is attached to the post to mimic a natural tooth.
  2. Mini Dental Implants: These are smaller in diameter than traditional implants and are often used when there is limited bone volume. They are suitable for securing removable dentures.
  3. All-on-4: This option is for patients missing an entire arch of teeth (upper or lower). They involve the placement of four implants in the jawbone, followed by the attachment of a full arch of prosthetic teeth.
  4. Implant-Supported Dentures: These are designed to replace a full arch of teeth. Implant-supported dentures offer better stability and function compared to traditional removable dentures. They can be fixed (permanent) or removable, depending on the patient’s preference and needs.

Do you want to restore your missing teeth? We desire to see patients leave our office with improved smiles and oral health that betters their life. Contact our office to schedule a consultation and begin your journey to a more radiant and confident smile today!

At Pasha Dental Group we specialize in General, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Los Angeles (near Mar Vista). Dr. Nazli Majd aims to make your visit as comfortable as possible, feel free to make an appointment online today.

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